business woman in shop looking at ipad with plants in background

Scratchpad Accelerator is sponsored by Founding Corporate Partner:

Apply Today

We are so excited that you are interested in being part of our next cohort! If accepted, your company must commit to having at least 2 team members (ideally founders) attend weekly remote training, monthly virtual cohort meetups and 2 networking events (Portland & Bangor).

This dedicated weekly meeting time is absolutely critical to your success. We provide you an opportunity to "WORK ON YOUR BUSINESS, NOT JUST IN IT." (If you haven't read E-Myth by Michael Gerber, you should!) Monthly, you will learn and grow with the other members of the cohort.

Together, you will gain confidence on communicating your vision and articulating the roadmap to achieve the goals you have set for your company.

Our minimum requirements for companies applying are:

  • A team of at least 2

  • Intends to compete at the national or international level

  • Able to pursue a total addressable market of $100M minimum


Business Accelerator Application